Thursday, November 17, 2011

The redemptive power of our Lord!

My God is a God of redemption! So, I'm sitting here at 2am just amazed by my God. God is constantly transforming us. I look back at who I have been, what I've done, what I've been a part of and I realize none of it has been for naught. I have been thinking about Gods overarching plan a lot for the last couple weeks. In the last few years there have been some crappy times, but here I am! I made it out the other side! God always has my back. He's been there with me through physical harm, emotional trauma and just plain ol' life issues. He's been directing my path! It hasn't been the path I foresaw when I was 18. But its been better! I've seen God in ways I never imagined. Even though things haven't unfolded the way I wanted they've folded out the way that will result in God having Glory! A verse thats been really resonating with me lately ( I'm actually designing a tattoo to incorporate this in with the scars on my leg) is

Psalm 37:23-24. The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
He delights in every detail of their lives.
 Though they stumble, they will never fall,
for the Lord holds them by the hand.

God directs the steps of the godly. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!? Isn't that just a stress relief? My plans are usually epic fails. But God, The almighty creator of heaven and earth, directs my steps. Even though I stumble AKA fail, God wont let me fall, Because He holds me by the hand. Thats just beautiful.

Though God directs our steps, and hold us by the hand. The paths we walk can be very painful. They can be lonely, they can be hard, they can be seemingly impossible. But God wont let us fall!
I've tried many plans in the last few years. I've tried getting out of Utah many times. I had an idea of where I wanted to be when I was 22 and Utah wasn't it. But everytime I would get out something would just kinda pull me back to utah. I was mad about it. But looking back at it now I see Gods fingerprints everywhere. Everything God allows us to go through is for His glory! I know now, That all these trials and tough times have helped grow me into the man God wants me to be. Now, I'm not saying I like looking back and remembering all the pain and hurts, but I know that Gods glory will show through all the more because of the trials He's gotten me through. Just like it says in Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose

I think the main point I'm trying to get across with this whole post is just that God is good. He knows what needs to happen in order to grow us into the people He wants. Its just kinda a sucky experience sometimes.